To recap my posts on the topic of managing photos in the light of new policies from Google.
I make extensive use of Google’s Picasa system which is due to be decommissioned. From February forward, I have moved away from Picasa. Google is committed to maintaining the content with limitations. It appears as if one of the limitations will interfere with the code that displays slide shows. The photo albums are not affected.
The slide shows were displayed using the Adobe Flash player; you require a working Flash Player for the slide shows to function. Apple dropped support for the Flash Player a long time ago; recent updates of the Android operating system have dropped support of the Adobe Flash Player. The solution for both Apple and Android is the Puffin Browser (Android users have other options such as Firefox).
From February forward, I dropped Picasa and reworked my methods; the photo album and the slide show are consolidated. The new methods do not require the Flash Player and work well on all platforms.
I will study the situation for a while but my plan is to redo the blog entries that include slide shows for 2015 using the new methods; prior to 2015, the photos remain available on the album pages, the slide shows will remain blank.