Late Winter News
Usually I try to keep blog entries upbeat but it would be quite foolish to write about Late Winter 2020 and not mention the Global Emergency. We hope that all of you are safe and healthy. Let us all hope that this nightmare is over soon.
Rehana, Naeem and their kids Ayaan, Inaya and Layla visited and it was such a happy visit. So lucky that it was about a week before the current level of lockdown became necessary.
The tree outside on the front lawn of our property actually predates the construction of our house. Residents of region who are our age remember the tree standing prior to 1976 when our street was sub divided for housing. Unfortunately, the tree has reached 80 feet and is not healthy; one day it could well topple so we had it removed about 10 days ago.
Ironically Sam has been on leave since mid January for full time work on her thesis. The work has progressed successfully, she is due back at work in mid April. She works in a health centre so we are worried about how that will go. Trevor is now working from home. All of us are doing well.
Click on the photo below for our photographs. It will be automatically updated if we receive more photos.