New Site Looks Pretty Much Like the Old One
I was thinking about making some radical changes but the more I looked at changing the look and feel, the more I kept circling back to the original design.
The grey on black highlighting has been replaced with blue on black; I like it but we’ll see, I intend to play with that a bit.
There are some new developments in menu structure, if you used the old site, you will notice this immediately. The menus are now much more controllable but it requires extra work to get everything just right.
The photo pages will use the “wall” method, you will see 3 columns of photos on the wall. Click on any one to explode the view using the “lightbox”. Once in the lightbox, you can move forward and backwards through the wall by clicking either the right or left half of the photo.
Eventually there will be a page with information for navigating the site.