WARNING! Tech talk ahead. Some time ago, Google and other search engines began tagging web sites without an SSL/TLS certificate as dangerous. This was more a nuisance than anything else, most users learned to blast
I have retained the need to click on a link to get to the blog … this is a security measure.
Welcome back to Abelfamily.ca. In April 2019, the site was destroyed by hackers. Luckily after the photo system collapsed in August 2018, I reconfigured most of the site making it much easier to restore. Unfortunately
Looks like some more devious stuff was left in site’s location that facilitated another hack. I believe that it is all gone. Also some more difficulties with fixing access to the site’s administrative area. As
It is a sort of good news, bad news story. The bad news is that Abelfamily.ca was hacked for the third time and it is getting pretty tiresome. The good news is that I was
Google has ceased to support them. They were a nice element in blog posts. I will be replacing them slowly over the next few weeks. Update: I have edited the affected pages; which were all
So here are notes on the site redesign. Even though the look of the site has changed only superficially, this is actually a major change to Abelfamily.ca. With a small exception, all photos are displayed
Left to do: New Welcome Message Information on Navigating the Photos. You will also note that I have succumbed to using tags. Over time, I will add more of them. The problem with tags is
The site is fully repaired; I’m still working on some details and I’m looking at some new ideas as well. Still to do: review all posts; write a new manual for navigating the site. For
2015 is finished and I’m just getting started on 2016. By the standards of Abelfamily.ca, 2016 has a huge amount of material. We began the preparations for Sam and Trevor’s wedding, drove to Florida, flew
Blogs have been revised through the middle of 2015. From 2017 onward, the photo pages are intact so I am actually nearly done but it is worth noting that there are a decent number of
Things are quite chaotic at the moment but the answer is to avoid Album Pages and access all photos using the Blog. To assist in navigating the blog entries, check out the new categories after
So it seems as if all my photo links from 2004 onward are now disconnected. I will begin the tedious job of reconnecting all my photos to the site; I expect to eliminate all the
So my new method for linking photos to the site has failed somehow. No tech talk for now … only 2 of the photo pages were compromised but one of them was Sam and Trevor
These are the last photos to be restored. Next I will redo the opening page and announce that everything is redone. I’ve noticed a few things that I would redo and I plan a complete
Photos of Tema before she left her apartment, the Oshkosh Air Show, New Orleans. Look here.
2 trips to the Rocky Horror Picture Show; one with work colleagues, one for Sam’s birthday. Extensive driving trip west. Look here.
Comparatively few photos in 2007. The bulk revolve around Sam’s High School Graduation. Look here.
Little by little. The good thing is that 2008 has more material than 2004-7 combined. Look here.