Yes, I have neglected the web site over the last few months. I’ve referenced a few events in the soon to be released New Years’ Card that are not mentioned in the blog. In early
This year’s vacation was a long driving trip to Atlantic Canada. We began with a drive to Concord New Hampshire via Vermont mountains for an overnight stop. No photos, Concord is scenic, New England is
Happy Rolphs is the local petting zoo. It is actually a portion of the parkland along Lake Ontario east of the Welland Canal. While Mumtaz was in Vancouver this summer, Sam and Trevor dropped in
Sorry no Mothers’ Day photos, we had a great time at the Good Times Café in downtown Toronto. Similar to the end of summer 2017, there is something about a trip to the Big Apple
If you follow this blog for long, you know that we tend to follow a pretty standard schedule. The Oshkosh Air Show takes place in the last week of July. Whether we go to Oshkosh
It will help find contents by Who, What or Where. Feel free to report errors or omissions.
Catching up with photos from June For the second year in a row, we travel to the Lake Erie shore in the late spring. Sandhill Park is a privately owned and operated. Well worth the
I have retained the need to click on a link to get to the blog … this is a security measure.
Welcome back to In April 2019, the site was destroyed by hackers. Luckily after the photo system collapsed in August 2018, I reconfigured most of the site making it much easier to restore. Unfortunately
For most of its existence, you have been accessing using the url; or if you are more adventurous This is fine but security processes suggest configuring and using https://etc. In my experience,
Looks like some more devious stuff was left in site’s location that facilitated another hack. I believe that it is all gone. Also some more difficulties with fixing access to the site’s administrative area. As
It is a sort of good news, bad news story. The bad news is that was hacked for the third time and it is getting pretty tiresome. The good news is that I was
Google has ceased to support them. They were a nice element in blog posts. I will be replacing them slowly over the next few weeks. Update: I have edited the affected pages; which were all
An unexpected trip to Montreal with colleague John who took some photos. The weather at Montreal was very good for photos indeed. Click on the photo for the gallery. Click on the photo for John’s
You may recall that we travel to Wiarton every second year on even numbered years so this would typically be an off year. Last year, we agreed to break with tradition and travel to Punxsutawney
Happy New Year For our annual New Years’ Card, click here.