Here is the latest installment of family traditions which are in suspense due to the pandemic emergency.
Of course February is dominated by Groundhog Day. On even numbered years, we travel to Wiarton except, in 2 exceptions when we travelled to Punxsutawney. We are often asked why every second year and the answer is that since a groundhog sleeps 6 months of the year, a visit every second year is the equivalent of an annual visit. A secondary issue is that it is difficult to discern the professional development of the groundhog with an annual visit since the changes are subtle. The trip to Wiarton typically begins at around 2am with a stop at the Owen Sound Macs’ Milk. On our next trip to Wiarton, we will move the stop to Tim Hortons as the Owen Sound Macs Milk, since rebranded as Circle K has deteriorated significantly. We are usually first on the site which is great for a good parking spot and we make an exhausted stop for breakfast on the return trip. In the off year, we honour the occasion with a pancake breakfast, the official food of Groundhog Day.
On February 14 we celebrate the beginning of the one month countdown to Pi Day. Usually we begin the planning process for Pi Day and try to drown out news of competing observances like Valentines’ Day.
Exclusively on February 29, I answer the phone every time that it rings.