Oak Run Farms
For our trip to the Kitchener and Guelph areas, we were set for a night in Hespeler before the exciting trip to the Halton Radial Railway. We resolved to use only secondary routes to get to Hespeler, which, if you look at a map, will not take much longer than using primary highways.
Our route up took us past Oak Run Farms so we decided to drop in and visit. Regular readers of the blog will note that every year in the run up to Pi Day, I used to make a trip to Oak Run farms to pick up 400 butter tarts which are individually wrapped and look like small pies. The “farm” is actually an enormous factory bakery which makes many products usually distributed in supermarkets. A visit to their small retail store will net you products right off the production line with many star product attractions (I love the bran muffins for example). Sadly the conglomerate that purchased the company discontinued the production of butter tarts forcing me to other suppliers. Even without the annual large order, we would have dropped into Oak Run Farms if it weren’t for the pandemic; we haven’t visited for 3 years.
As it happens, the ladies that run the retail store were working their second last day before retirement; there was celebration in the air; we were remembered and congratulations were enthusiastically accepted. The company has again been sold to local independent ownership, there is talk of resuming butter tart production and we will certainly drop in to monitor their progress in the future.