2024, RHPS, Snakes, What


We broke with tradition again this year and attended a performance of the Rocky Horror Picture Show on the weekend prior to Halloween. It was a terrific performance with many new cast members. We were warmly welcomed, it was a novice audience so our participation was very appreciated by the cast. Mumtaz was in Montreal and she was keenly missed by the cast, let’s hope she will attend next year. One final note is that the performance that we attended was a prototype at a new theatre. We found the venue quite homey, smaller than the Bloor Cinema and, I would say, less attractively located (it is, however, quite close to Sam and Trevor), I would argue that it is an excellent replacement and we feel it likely that Excited Mental States (the name of the Toronto Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadow Cast) will be moving soon.

And now, without further ado, J.B.’s official Halloween post. For techies among you, you may note that the photo is embedded, looks like Microsoft has addressed their issues.

And, even more exciting than that, here is the official Halloween video

I may go back to the alternative method of linking to videos, I believe that it looks better.

Sam would like for all viewers to note that snakes do not have ears.