Eddie’s Birthday
Welcome to the third blog entry related to my birthday; could this be a new trend?
Public Transport
This year we used a hybrid of car and public transport. This is actually the most efficient trip to Toronto possible and involves a drive to Aldershot, free parking and straight on the Go train. Worked well, we stayed on the train through Union Station in Toronto to the first stop east where Sam was waiting to drive us 5 minutes to her and Trevor’s apartment. Public Transport was a recurring theme in this year’s celebration.
Lunch and Meeting Patty and Selma
We had a very nice lunch followed by our introduction to grand geckos Patty and Selma. They are very energetic and friendly.
Little Canada
We travelled on the Subway to Little Canada in downtown Toronto. This is a great relatively new attraction in Toronto. Niagara, Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ottawa and Quebec City are rendered in miniature. The presentations are being constantly improved with the promise of Western Canadian destinations just around the corner. Make no mistake, this is a great attraction. The renderings are amazingly detailed and include endless amusing historical references and outright jokes. There are insufficient hours in a day to truly inspect all the details and uncover all the hidden messages.
We ubered to an innovative restaurant in an up and coming area of the city which was excellent and concluded with a subway ride to Union Station for the trip back.
Click on the photo below for more photos than usual, thanks again to Sam and Trevor for organizing everything, we had a great time.