We hope that you had an excellent Integer Day (December 31, 2023) as well. Click here for the New Years’ Card which will open in a separate window. Feel free to return here afterwards if
We’ve had our eyes on Repositioning/Transatlantic cruises for some time and early in November the time was definitely right. The cruise began in Rome and ended in New York after 16 days. The cruise was
Nothing serious, of course but watch for new methods in presenting photo albums with the next presentation. WARNING TECH TALK AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AHEAD From time to time I like to restate the point of
Welcome to the third blog entry related to my birthday; could this be a new trend? Public Transport This year we used a hybrid of car and public transport. This is actually the most efficient
We had a great International Talk Like a Pirate Day this year. Mumtaz preparing the traditional spaghetti dinner The traditional spaghetti dinner The traditional wearing of a colander prior to eating the traditional spaghetti dinner.
As I write this, the summer is over and it has been very frustrating as I had intended to fly as much as I did last summer. This didn’t happen, but what was unfortunate was
Albion Falls is one of several waterfalls in the Hamilton area. Lake Erie is about 100 meters higher than Lake Ontario which is the essential reason for Niagara Falls, the Niagara River traverses between Lake
Flying remains on hiatus through the summer, I expect that things will improve sometime in September. In past summers we travelled in the last week of July so we continued that tradition with a trip
We enjoy a drive to Port Dover, last trip was during the pandemic. One of the cool things to do Port Dover is purchase fish on the docks. Last trip the little shack closed about
All photos were deleted by error but they have been restored. Unfortunately, I will need to redo the links to the photos that were displayed as part of a blog entry. This will be a
As you will learn in the next blog entry, we were in Alberta on Fathers’ Day so we held celebrations one week early in Toronto concurrent with our departure to Calgary preparations. GO Transit We
Sam arrives via Go Transit to spend the day with Mumtaz. By prior arrangement they spent a scintillating afternoon organizing closets while I power napped. Cuisine prepared by a new favourite St. Catharines based Chinese
Seems like a good time to go through the holiday lineup. We always begin with the first and last holiday of the year, Groundhog Day: Date Name Celebration Cuisine Status 02-Feb Groundhog Day Visit to
We last attended a Groundhog Day celebration in 2020 and it was the epic Sunday 02022020 Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania with at least 40000 other participants. We typically do not travel to a Groundhog